Sunday, April 29, 2007

if camels didn't have hair, we'd have a lot of sunburnt humpbacks.

it's sunday afternoon. it's been a good day so far. as well, the week has been good too. went to a riverdogs game (baseball for those not familiar with the charleston area) last night...I've been wanting to for a while now and finally got my chance.

i've been working on several art things lately, as I've probably said before...there's another one at the end of this post, even. biggest news is revamping the munch book. i feel like a lot of the original artwork is mediocre, both in terms of quality and layout. i think i can do better. some of the pages I'm not going to like redoing (particularly the spread of munch jumping into the pile of leaves..), but it'll have to be redone, most likely.

and all of that will take about...well,..a long time, seeing as work likes to take up a lot of time itself. and speaking of work, it's either more pay or a different job...that's the ultimatem. so we'll see what happens.

also, for those of you who read this, who don't know yet, i'll be coming up to the rock hill area this coming friday after I get off of work and staying until saturday night. hope to see some folks.
anyway, here's a little sketch, sponsored by photoshop and a stolen stock photo.


our weather here said...

Man, i like the new doodles jake...Its good to see you are still working hard at the illustration thing. yes. I admit lately I've been going "against the world" its a hard process...yet a simple philosophy. Jesus really had it right. I've been reading a book called "The Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne. Its a hard book to swallow but an easy read. I strongly recommend it. But beware...Like the bible. It is a dangerous book. Thanks for linking me on your site. Tell your friends about me. yay. [+] gc

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'mma link to you on my blogspot if you don't mind. The Existential Phoenix one.